Tuesday, July 15, 2014


The popular Frank Sinatra song, “My Way”, extols the virtues of self-reliance.  “I planned each charted course, each careful step along the byway.  And more, much more than this, I did it my way.”  What a manly sentiment!
For most men who were born into modest circumstances, the virtues of preparedness, industriousness, and perseverance resonate in Sinatra’s message.  “For what is a man, what has he got?  If not himself, then he has naught . . .”  It should be our national anthem..
But, self-reliance is the prelude to arrogance and success is the cousin of pride.  Remember, “Pride goes before destruction, And a haughty spirit before stumbling” (Proverbs 16:18, emphasis original).
          The theme of this blog is “The Strength of My Hands”.  Before the Israelites entered the Promised Land, Moses reminded them of all that the Lord had done for them.  Then, he warned them not to take credit for the riches they would soon enjoy in the Promised Land lest they suffer the same fate as the nations which God caused to perish before them. 
It is not the strength of my hand which brings me earthly riches.  It is God’s gracious provision.  Moses might have sung “For what is a man, what has he got?  If just himself, then he has naught . . .”
I truly believe that Moses' admonition to the Hebrews found in Deuteronomy 8:10-20 is the Scriptural passage for our times.